A microbrewery for book-lovers

King James Bible Bash, STK 23rd April 2011

This is going to be amazing! HFP and the London Word Festival present a 400th Birthday Party for the King James Bible. The whole story of the Bible re-presented in film, music, performance, and live print! Creation, Fall and Resurrection! It’s in Time Out, twice!

On the night:

Nathan Jones (Mercy) and Sam Meech present bewitching poetry and film set to music by Carl Brown (Wave Machines)! They have dug deep in the Northwest film archives to present a contemporary setting of the Noah’s Ark story.

Kerry Yong provides a sudden trumpet call with Casio keyboard versions of Terry Riley’s ‘A Rainbow in Curved Air‘ and Messiean’s ‘Quartet for the End of Time‘ (Cover Me Casio)

The Henningham Family Press will be dipping into our Monday School syllabus, taking a look through geodesic domed spectacles (literally) at the Garden of Eden with Buckminster Fuller. Has Man a Function in Universe? We’ll also be watching his brilliant short film ‘Modeling Universe‘.

This week we have a fine crop of artists and writers busying themselves in our workshop making a stunning poster-print of the seven days of creation. They will finish this live on the night with the Henningham Family Press on a performance print production line! Special price on the night, and if there are any left over I’ll be floored.. This thing is printed with gold-effect bronze pigments!

Is that it? Emphatically no! Kerri Meehan & Sophie Von Cundale will be performing The Last Word, a bizarre live magazine show! New material for the night building upon their previous appearances at Frieze and the South London Gallery. And Marcus Orlandi will be performing 3:16, a look at the most quoted Bible verse, John 3:16 and how it got hi-jacked by WWF villian Austin 3:16!

Then of course there is the disco of the sheep and goats and a whole-sideshow, bar, cakes…….

King James Bible Bash
Buy Tickets

£8 advance tickets

7pm, 23rd April 2011

Stoke Newington International Airport
Unit F | 1-15 Leswin Place | London | N16 7NJ

Commissioned by London Word Festival

One thought on “King James Bible Bash, STK 23rd April 2011

  • King James Bible Bash « New City Arts Initiative
    May, 11, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    […] To read about the party’s planned activities, including a live print production line and the plans for “geodesic domed spectacles (literally) at the Garden of Eden,” check out The Henningham’s announcement here. […]

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